
If I have one more day...

Simply feeling grateful for this chance to be alive and partake in the human experience today. Its not always pretty- today wasn't pretty for me…. but it was real. I cried. I struggled. I took breaks from things when I needed them. I went to yoga, and took care of myself. I was supported.

The human experience isn't about perfection. It isn't about ease. Its about the love you feel for the Mystery when you get to see the beauty of the sunrise, the support you feel from friends in a time of need, the communities that are all around us and that we can form, the family into which we were born and the ones we choose, the healing that takes place in our lives and in this world, the pain we feel when someone we care so much about passes from this world, the way it feels to just be still and breathe, or hear our heart beat, the children that are the future of this world…and the child within each of us. 

If it were all easy, what of it would be worth it? If there was no pain when loved ones passed, how could we so tangibly feel what they meant to us, and know all that they taught us? We don't have to look far to see beauty in our world, or for that matter, to create it. 

All I can ask of Spirit is this- if I am blessed with one more day tomorrow, help me to do something beautiful with it, for the highest good of all that is. 

Much love sweet brothers and sisters. Thanks for being in this human experience with me <3

*Please see your doctor or schedule with Dr. Riegle for personalized medical advice.

Learning and Growing

I am so incredibly grateful for my opportunities to learn and grow. I am surrounded by teachers, teaching me lessons that, although not always easy, lead to my growth as a future doctor, friend, partner, spiritual being, emotional being, daughter….

I am so blessed to be headed down my path as a healer in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. I try to remind myself during the craziness of midterms how lucky I am to be learning about naturopathic medicine- to wake up every day and get to study things to help others heal. 

I am grateful to be in a spiritual community where I learn and grow, even when it isn't easy- with a teacher who has such a wonderful relationship to and connection with Spirit. 

I am grateful to take time to process everything that I am learning so that I may retain it. 

I am grateful to have relationships with people that push me to uncover the best me. 

Learning is a trip- not always an easy one- but definitely one worth making- and hey, I have fun with it most of the time ;)

*Please see your doctor or schedule with Dr. Riegle for personalized medical advice.