This soup turned out just wonderfully, and I had to share it!
Ingredients: Makes 1 serving
- 2 cups bone broth
- 3/4 cup cooked squash (I used acorn)
- 1 tsp fresh thyme leaves
- 2 large cloves garlic
- 3T coconut oil (or olive oil)
- 2 crimini mushrooms (or other! get creative! Mushrooms are so amazing for us!)
- 3 handfulls of fresh spinach
First, make the bone broth. Bone broth is very nutritious and is definitely making a mainstream appearance right now. All you need to do for bone broth is put some cut marrow bones into a pot, add filtered water and a little vinegar, and cook for 24 hours. If you want more info on bone broth, check out Wellness Mama's website on it! It has a great explanation and recipe!
Next, cook the acorn squash. Cut in half, clean out the middle, and sit face up on a cookie sheet with coconut oil over the tops. Cook until tender, scoop out 3/4 cup and place in food processor.
Next, heat coconut oil in a small pan, and place chopped garlic in until lightly brown. Don't overcook! Set aside when done.
Now throw the spinach and mushrooms in with some more coconut oil and cook until mushrooms and spinach are done. Add to food processor. Add enough bone broth to food processor so that it blends.
Blend the ingredients in the food processor and add to bone broth. Now add the garlic and the thyme, salt a little, and enjoy!
You can also add a dash of cayenne to make it a little spicy!
Enjoy the warmth and nutrition. You've done something great for your body today!!