What else to do with your 23andMe data

So you have your genetic data from 23 and me. What else can or should you do with it? The amount of information that you get on your genetics should be driven by a few factors. Before I lay out my favorite websites for running your raw code through, lets quickly look at that.

1. Know Yourself: Will the extra information be a source of empowerment or disempowerment for you? Will you take the information that is (most usually) not set in stone and decrease your risks, be aware and get healthier? Or will it cause you anxiety and stress? The only right answer here is the truthful one. Level with yourself.

2. Interpreting the information. This info doesn't do you any good if you don't know what to do with it or how to interpret it. I recommend a doctor who is well versed in genetic information and how to deal with different snps. Some Naturopathic Doctors and some functional medicine doctors know how to interpret this information and give you a treatment plan based on it. Unless you are very invested and willing to learn extensively about genetics, it may be wise to find them.

3. Understand that you may find things that you may not want to. 23 and me gives you information not only on health but on ancestors as well. You are taking a risk that you may find out something about yourself or your family that you weren't expecting to.

If you have made it through all of these, below are my recommendations for what to do with your 23andMe Info!


Genetic Genie

Genetic Genie is by far my favorite. It's great software, easy to use, and the most useful information for most of my patients. Genetic Genie will give you info on your detoxification genetics, as well as your methylation genetics. Both can be very helpful in treatment of many conditions. It's free, but I would recommend donating a bit of money- even 5-10$.



This program analyzes your SNPs to give different disease risks. They will also then show the genes from which they came to that conclusion. There is also some information on how well you might respond to certain drugs, given your genotype. Cost: $5.



This is good for information, generally speaking, and is free, but may not be the best for consumers. If you know a thing or two about P values, it may be useful to you, but it's a lot of scientific information without much explanation. Even so, your doctor should be able to make sense of it.


****Remember, genetic predisposition does not necessarily mean you will get the disease in most cases. Also, I highly recommend you take this information to a health care provider to review with you and create a plan!


*Please see your doctor or schedule with Dr. Riegle for personalized medical advice.