Treat your body, mind, and spirit to an empowering, cleansing 6 days in the new year for the best start to 2017! A 6 day cleanse guided by a doctor with cleansing expertise to bring you back to feeling your best for 2017.
January 19-January 24 from anywhere in the world!
$325 Cost Includes:
- Two 15 minute consults with Dr. Jen, and ability to add more detailed visits
- Physician Grade Products! OptiCleanse GHI Protein and Detox Shake
- One of the following supportive, physician grade products: fish oil, liver detox supplement, or colon support
- Detailed instructions on how to cleanse: the process, expectations, and how to maximize your results
- Dr. Jen's shopping list for ease in the store- get in and get out!
- Recipes to encourage detoxification and healing in your body
- Extra tips from Dr. Jen on Mind, Body, and Spirit detox for a holistic approach to cleansing
- Private group Facebook page to share experience, recipes, and tips, moderated by Dr. Jen
***After you sign up with the "Recover My Health" button and fill out the form, the cart where you pay will be at the top of the page in the right hand corner of the screen****